Luxury gulet charter Turkey. Comparison to Croatia
Luxury gulet charter in Turkey which we had with gulet Albatros A was a great chance to make a comparison between Croatia charter and Turkey. We made a nice cruise in late October after the hard season and it was a great finish and preparation for next year.
Gulet Albatros A was a completely new gulet, with 4 cabins and a crew of 3 people. We have started the cruise in Fethiye and ended it after 7 days in Gocek. One of the best things was getting text messages about snow in our country, while we were sunbathing in 25 C on the sun and swimming in around 23 C sea…which was refreshing but super nice.
We cruised the Gokova bay and check all of the cool places such as Butterfly Valley, Oludeniz, Olive islands, Yassicalar islands, Cleopatra bay, Gemiler island and had a day trips to Daylan and Canuas.
First 2 days we had a bit of back luck with the weather, however, all other days were just amazing.
But instead of talking how amazing it was, I will try to make a comparison between Croatia and Turkey luxury gulet charter. I will not talk about gulet Albatros A but about gulets in general. What generally you can expect about gulet cruises (luxury ones) in Turkey and in Croatia.
Luxury gulet cruises in Turkey
- Much more gulets to choose from then in Croatia, which means a bit lower prices.
- The crew in Turkey is a bit shyer. They will do everything you say but they are a bit laid back and waiting for your orders and wishes.
- The nature in Turkey is amazing. The sea and millions of places where you can anchor in the evening are experiences of a life.
- It was a bit chilly in October to sleep on deck, however, you can do that in higher season and it is incredible.

- Meat, vegetables, a huge variety of side dishes, sauces – they are amazing foods in Turkey cuisine. Fish is not bad (but nothing over the top also) and event ought Turkey is famous for its Baklava sweets – I find it too sweet actually – and besides pancakes and lots of different fruits, I am not a huge fan of Turkish desserts. (my personal opinion only :-))
Luxury gulets in Croatia
- If Turkey has 100 or more luxury gulets to choose from Croatia has maybe around 15 luxury gulets only – so fewer possibilities.
- Croatia also has a shorter season. October in Turkey is super nice, while in Croatia it can be already very bad weather.
- In Croatia most of the times owners are also the captain on board…and if the owner is cool, this is great news as it is in his personal interest to make you super happy. The crew (the Dalmatian people in general) are also very opened people (for sure not shy) and will not be scared to give you advice, their comments and give you lots of great sailor stories. If you wish the crew to leave you alone, you just note that before of the cruise and you will not be bothered.
- Croatia has similarly amazing nature as Turkey, only that in Croatia you can also spend lots of evenings ashore on islands or in small towns, which are super amazing to be explored.
- Croatia has a bit more humidity so spending nights on deck is not very common. If the weather is really good you can also do it, but Turkey is a winner when it comes to this.

- For me, fish in Croatia is THE BEST IN THE WORLD! So if you wish to have amazing fish, Croatia is amazing. Also, deserts are to me a bit better in Croatia, while Turkey wins in side dishes and in huge possibilities for vegetables. I will say meat meals are very good in both countries.
I do not wish to turn this post into a competition. Frankly, both countries are very very unique and different. If you would charter the same gulet, with the same crew in both countries it would be completely different experience. Some people like Turkey more, some people like Croatia more, but I think you should try them out both.
What were my best memories when it comes to luxury gulet charter Turkey
- Swimming and sunbathing in late October.
- The crew that did everything for us what we have imagined.
- Turkish cousin was amazing.
- Late evening barbeque in some super nice bay and only the sounds of “Cafe del Mar” playing easily (and kids already sleeping :-))
- Early morning swims before the breakfast and the breakfast itself.
- A trip to Daylan and Canuos where we learned lots of stuff about Turkish history.