Life is good
You only live once, so it is a good idea to get the most out of it! This is our founding vision and mission, and we try to live by it as closely as possible.
On this page we will explain our values and our services, through explaining our “Life is Good” formula.
Goolets' formula for happiness
If you are not completely happy in your life and feel like something is missing, you need to ask yourself two questions:

Question 1 - Are you living your life to its fullest potential?
We believe that when you live life to its potential, it is difficult to be unhappy. This question breaks down our core values and explains what we expect from ourselves, our partners and our employees.

Question 2 – Have you ever considered chartering a yacht?
When life feels overwhelming, then you probably need a break. Sleep. Relax. Meditate....
Which can be easily combined by chartering a yacht with your family and friends.
Here is what you get with Goolets:
Goolets' values - How we fulfil our potential
There are 10 values we live by to make LIFE GOOD for us:

Life is good, when we take ownership for everything we do in our lives and never blame anyone or anything else for what happens. We do not gossip, blame others, or point fingers.
Life is good, when we believe in what we are doing and when we believe we can do the job successfully. We learn and train in what we need to do, and this gives us great confidence.
Life is good, when we are well-organised and stick to a schedule. When our days, weeks and months are properly organised, it gives us a feeling of control and calm, and we achieve all that we set out to do. Discipline translates to freedom.

Life is good, when we are working at improving our craft on a long-term basis. Success does not happen in a day - it happens gradually. When we are patient and consistent in our efforts, this delivers dividends. Impatience is a silent destroyer of potential.
Life is good, when our goals, wishes and expectations are clear, and we are actively working towards them. This goes for business and personal life. When each person knows what s/he wants and goes after it, good things happen.
Life is good, when we deliver excellence in our work. When we set, and abide by, high standards for ourselves and those around us, this makes us feel great, as it gives us the feeling we are in good company where all are contributing to the same end result. We believe the perfect work environment is when awesome people collaborate on challenging projects. This overrides monotony, and beats the ping-pong table every time.

Life is good, when our ego is in check. When we do not compare ourselves to other people, but to how we were yesterday. When we take ownership for our responsibilities while giving credit to others where it is due, this feels rewarding. When we commit to personal growth and supporting others, we feel gratified.
Life is good, when instead of engaging in conflict with other people, we try to understand them and their needs. We do not become entangled in negative emotions. We try to be mindful, always respectful, and helpful.
Life is good, when we feel good. When we have had sufficient sleep, are well exercised, have eaten properly, have taken some time off, meditated, and spent quality time with family and friends. When we find fun in hard work and growth, and align this with a healthy lifestyle - this is when benefits arrive.

Life is good, when you take time off to recharge your batteries. We take little breaks daily. But every now and then a longer “time out” is needed. Life becomes truly special when we work hard and recognise that we deserve a holiday. When you consider yachting, it provides a one-size-fits-all solution.

We understand the importance of down-time
Chartering a yacht means more to us than just booking a vessel and going on a holiday. Chartering a yacht means a reward for hard work. It means spending quality time with your loved ones. It is not just a holiday, it is a celebration of life!
And that is why we do everything humanly possible to make sure we achieve 100% satisfaction.
Contact us
You can find us at
Goolets Ltd: Taborska Cesta 38D
1290 Grosuplje
Slovenija – EU