Croatia Inspections of gulets - Day 4
On last day of gulet inspections in Croatia, we checked gulets Agora, Andi, Ana Marija, Alisa, Prvi Odisej, Aurum, Romanca, Andi Star, Malena, Kadena and Perla. It was quite hectic and a very loooong day but we managed it.
Most of this gulets and owners we know like our own pocket also from last years, so we were able to move a bit faster.
Here is the SUM UP of this day. The start was where we finished yesterday. In Krilo Jasenice.
Gulet Agora Review
It was in our way and it is always LOTS OF FUN to meet with Ivo Ercegovič, owner of gulet Agora.
Gulet has 6 comfortable double cabins and lots of deck space. She was not yet 100% ready – but just to meet with the owner Ivo – is an adventure of itself.
He is one of the MOST FUN, HONEST and INTERESTING people in this business and you could listen to his funny stories for hours.
One of BEST THINGS the gulet will have (besides Ico as a captain) is 2 WOMAN CREW who will be able to give a Woman’s touch to the vessel during the cruise – which is proving to be more and more important every year.

If you are interested in a nice STANDARD gulet with very good services – Agora is the perfect option for you.
After Krilo we went into a nice little place called Stobreč. It is a village located 10 kilometers from Split and one of the best points to start you cruise (and avoid uber crowded Split).
Also, several gulets on 1 place so we were able to move fast.
Gulet Andi Review
One of the first gulets in Croatia. Gulet has 20 meters, 6 cabins, air condition and it is a small little gulet with lots of charm.
The best part of this gulet is the Crew and owners Ante and Ivana which will make sure there are no expenses saved when it comes to good food and making clients feel great and comfortable.

Gulet is not DELUXE CATEGORY but clients on this gulet always go home very happy.
It is also one of few gulets offering Cabin charter in Croatia possibility.
Gulet Anna Marija Review
Gulet was IN COMPLETE MESS when we check it out. And this is GREAT NEWS!
Why will you ask yourself?
Because it means it will have lots of new things on board for the new season. Gulet is very well maintained and they are doing crazy works on it for season 2015.

One of the cool things they did is to put matching towels to each cabin – with cabin numbers printed on towels. This way each client know exactly which towel is his – if he leaves it on deck.
Gulet Anna Marija will again be “no brainer” when it comes to good services and happy customers.
Gulet Alisa Review
Gulet Alisa has 6 cabins and LOADS OF DECK SPACE. Gulet was mostly present till now on Russian Market so it is a bit unknown for USA and EUROPE markets – but this is a bout to change for years to come.
Gulet was still in “maintenance mode” so it was hard to get a final impression how she will look like for season – but from the impressions from past – she will be great again.

We will include this gulet in our offer and will be happy to promote it further.
Gulet Romanca Review
To be honest, this was the first time we visited Romanca. This 8 cabins Croatian Built vessel is always booked very well and has lots of repeat clients.
On the pictures – the vessel looks very nice – however you do not have a good idea until you actually check the vessel out – and feel the energy.

Romanca has lots of history and in the last couple of years the daughter of former owner took over – and we all have to say she is doing an AMAZING JOB.
In Dalmatia, man can still sometimes look a bit “down” on FEMALE “BOSSES” – but this is 100% not the case here.
Andrea is the boss – and all the crew and employees know that. The ship is amazingly maintained. Cabins are spacious and very nice. The salon is huge. You can eat inside or outside. Plenty of deck space. When it comes to 8 cabins vessels now you have several good options in Croatia.
Gideon and Aborda being “classic” gulet cruise ships in “STANDARD” category.
Romanca has incredible VALUE FOR MONEY in the LUXURY category.
And Luna is the perfect option for DELUXE groups.
We will for sure do our best to get as many groups as possible on Romanca – the vessel is amazing.
From Stobreč we went to Trogir, where we checked 2 gulets.
Gulet Andi Star Review
Not much to say about this gulet. Dinko keeps the vessel in PERFECT CONDITION. Cabins are spacious and superbly maintained.

Andi Star is 100% prepared and ready for season 2015 and to make the clients as happy as possible.
Gulet Prvi Odisej Review
Gulet Prvi Odisej is a standard gulet under new ownership. The gulet was renovated for season 2014 and specialized itself for CABIN CHARTER cruises for BIKERS.

They are very well booked and the concept works great.
Not much to say. Nediljko (the owner) did a great job on this gulet and we are very happy to recommend it further.
Last destination – Šibenik.
Time for lunch and to catch up with the owner of Malena, Perla, and Kadena. We are always happy to meet with Drago.He made a complete overhaul of gulets Kadena, Perla and Malena and the gulets will be in even better shape than they were last year.
This is the movie we made of gulet Malena recently.
We shared plenty of stories, had lots of fun, inspected all 3 gulets and time passed like crazy.
All in all – all clients that book these 3 gulets have 100% satisfaction guarantee.
We know these gulets inside out and if you are interested in LUXURY/DELUXE gulet cruises to let us know and we will be happy to advise you on this vessels.
Gulet Aurum Review
Not much to say about Aurum also. Jere (the owner) keeps the gulet in superb condition. Cabins are nice % tidy. Services on gulet are perfect.

Gulet is 100% ready for season 2015 and will again have super happy clients and great reviews.
Agency Goolets Review
We reviewed the owners, so now we can also say something about us a- and the biggest takeaways from this trip.
- From all the inspections and talks I can say (without any modesty) that owners like the way we do business and in 95% we have very good connections to them.
- We know all gulets & owners very well – which means we can find very good options for our clients all the time. If the INQUIRY is DOABLE – we can do it.
- We expect LAST MINUTE SEASON in Croatia to be good. Not SO HYPED as in Turkey, but good. There are still several availabilities on lots of gulets – so good deals are possible.
Our Croatia Review came to an end.
We had lots of fun – but time to go back to the office, sit in front of computer and plan the next trip.