Can Booking with Goolets save you money?
Most of the time clients do not know this, but booking with Goolets can save you lots of money when it comes to your holiday’s organizations. In this post, we will explain to you how this is possible. In order to explain to you how we can save you lots of money, you should understand our business model first.
You can save gulets in 2 different ways. I will explain both in details and for each way I will explain how and why we can save you money.
1. How we can save you money if you book early?
You can book early. This means from June till April for the next season. Some people book almost 1 year in advance and a couple of years ago early bookings were considered all bookings until the new year for the upcoming season. Now, this is prolonged almost until the end of March. In April – Early booking is changed into Last Minute season and the booking model changes.
For Early Bookings here is what we do:
- During the summer season, we sit down with the gulet owners that have best services, crews, food, vessels and where we already gave them a significant amount of business in the past.
- This way we have the perfect combination of gulets where we know our clients will get the 100% satisfaction on 1 side and the best possible price on it. So the gulets that already have BEST VALUE FOR MONEY also confirm us even better rates.
When it comes to Early Booking you have to know this:
- You have lots of time and available gulets to get 100% tailor-made offers and incredible value for money
- You can get cheaper flight tickets (more available options)
- Clients usually pay on average around 8% more then clients booking Last Minute, but they get 14% better satisfaction from the cruise.

So how we will save you money if you book early?
You will get the special rates, which we are able to get from the best gulet owners because of our long-term business cooperation we have with them.
2. How we can save you money if you book last minute?
We have connections with gulet owners and other travel agencies meaning we monitor around 1.000 different vessels. We have all the availabilities, discounts, special prices, special conditions ready at hand.
All we need from you are your dates, no of people and your budget – and according to this info, we are always able to find the best gulet in your dates available for your budget range.
However, you have to know 1 more thing when it comes to this.
The cheapest option is not always THE BEST OPTION.

Especially when it comes to LAST MINUTE some owners and agencies are desperate in this times and will do everything to get a booking – even if it means going down with prices to the point which is not logical anymore. In this case, you will get AN AMAZING DEAL but you will also get SAVING ON SERVICES AND CUTTING CORNERS.
And this always means unhappy clients (you) and lots of complaints and headaches.
So the main thing we do is to FIND THE BEST POSSIBLE DEALS – THAT STILL PROVIDE GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY without cutting corners and making you happy.
And our experience in this field enables us to do just that.
So besides saving your lots of time, we will also save you money for your gulet cruise holidays and make it safe for you to enjoy your holidays free of stress.
Contact us for your perfect gulet cruise holidays.
We will be happy to assist you with your request for perfect holidays.