What is Gulet Private Charter Consultation and how it will save you time?
If you are interested in Gulet Private Charter consultation.
For me, it is fun to plan and organize the holidays, but sometimes on the internet you can just get lost in all the info – especially when you see 95% of the material “ONLINE” is marketing oriented and written in a way to make even the most interested person in the World shoot himself in the head!

The first problem when it comes to Gulet Charter happens if you are thinking of this holiday for the first time. This means you have to gather all sorts of information and find answers to lots of questions.
To name just a few examples:
- What is a gulet cruise?
- How a day on a gulet looks like?
- Will I be bored?
- Will I be seasick?
- Is there a crew on board?
- What are gulet prices like?
- Where can I get gulets?
- Who do I contact?
- Will, my wife kill me if I get her on this kind of ship?

There are many more and to find good and decent info for those – well it takes time. It takes lots of time. And it is the info which is very good to know….especially when you get to problem no.2 – Finding the right gulet for you!
If you do your homework in STEP No.1 properly then you know what to expect. If you know what to expect you also know more about what you can afford. You know the possibilities that wait for you on your Gulet Private Charter and you will be aware of your wishes – and because of all these things you will in the end get the better gulet and have much nicer holidays.
Problem No.2 as I mentioned is finding the best gulet. Here a new bundle of questions comes to your mind:
- What is the perfect gulet for me?
- What is the perfect crew for me?
- What would be the perfect route?
- What about the food on board?
- How can I get the best price on a gulet?
- Is it better to book Early or Late?
- What is the best way to negotiate?
- Are there any hidden costs?
And the list goes on.
Now you have 2 possibilities what you can do
Possibility No.1
If you wish to book the best Gulet Private Charter and you would like to do your homework properly, you can follow these steps:
- GO TO GOOGLE.COM! – 1 minute
- TYPE ONE GULET-RELATED KEYWORD THERE. If you are interested to rent a gulet, you can type GULET PRIVATE CHARTER. If you wish to rent in Croatia type CROATIA GULETS.
If you are interested in Turkey type Turkey Gulet Charter….It will give you lots of results. Check them out and select 10 of them that you like. – 5 minutes time.
- CHECK these 10 PAGES very fast and see which 5 pages give you the best info and answer your questions. – 15 minutes.
- START COLLECTING INFO AND WRITING E-MAILS. Check all the pages and try to get answers from there and then the info which you can not get a write in an e-mail and send this e-mail to at least 3 agencies (of the 5 you choose). – 2 – 4 hours of time (depends on how into details you go).
This will take you several hours of your time. And then the REAL WORK BEGINS.
- Send your travel info (dates, no of people in your group, budget range….) to 2 or 3 agencies and wait for offers.
- Check the offers and BE 100% SURE THERE ARE NO HIDDEN COSTS INSIDE!!!
- Think very very hard if there is some question which you forgot to ask – so that it will not ruin your holidays.
The entire process of collecting good deals, make some negotiations, do paperwork, contracts and all other stuff usually takes a couple of days.
On the other hand, you have 1 more possibility!
Possibility No.2
- Send us an e-mail and ask for FREE CONSULTATION!
- One of our GULET CRUISE EXPERTS will call you (it can also be done via e-mail if you prefer it like this)
- IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCED GULET PRIVATE CHARTER traveler then the consultation will be on how you can find the best deals and gulets.
- IF YOU NEVER TRAVELED WITH GULET BEFORE, then we will first cover the first step and then smoothly continue to STEP No.2. If you by the info you get from our consultant get the feeling this is not the holiday for you, then you will not be forced to proceed to step No.2 of course.

All I can tell you at this point is, that this WILL SAVE YOU LOTS AND LOTS OF TIME!!!
The consultation is not just you asking questions and replying to them. It is our help in letting you know which questions you should ask – and which info you should know – but you might not even know about them.
So if you are interested in FREE CONSULTATION just send us an e-mail at info@goolets.net.
Write FREE CONSULTATION in the Subject and what you are interested in….and we will guide you very smoothly through the entire process.