Short Test – Are gulets for you?
Gulets are not for everyone! For me gulets offer amazing value for money, best experience you can get and they are incomparable to hotels, bare-boats, villas, motor yachts or any other type of holidays. But lots of people do not share my opinion.
I respect and value an opinion from every person. And this post is not to try to convince you that this is the best type of holidays for you. Not at all. This post is to help you determine – if gulet private charter holidays MIGHT BE THE BEST HOLIDAYS FOR YOU or they could be your worst nightmare.

"Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities becomes limitless."
Jamie Paolinetti
If you are not a gulet cruise enthusiast but you do not know it – but you still decide on this type of holidays it means a problem for all of us:
- You will not be happy and this means we will not be happy.
- You will tell you all your friends that gulets are a bad way to spend your holidays.
- You will also probably tell all your friends Gooles is a bad company.
So everybody loses.
So if you are interested in this type of holidays, make a super short test below and check out the results. If this results will advise you to NOT GO ON A GULET CRUISE HOLIDAYS..then I advise you to follow this advice.
Answer this questions and check how many points you have scored.

Question No.1:
How much time you normally spend you in your hotel room when on holidays?
a) I only sleep in my room and nothing else. I am out all the time.
b) I sleep in my room and I like to also spend siesta there and evenings before I go out of the hotel.
c) I like large room and lots of space as this gives me the possibility to escape other people.
d) I spend most of the time in my room and take it easy.

Question No.2:
How sociable are you?
a) I love to interact with other people.
b) I like other people, but I also like my privacy.
c) When I am on holidays I just wish to relax and not talk or be in contact with anybody.
d) I hate people. My dream holiday would be deserted island with no people around me.

Question No.3:
How much time you usually spend in the bathroom at home?
a) Less than 1 hour per day.
b) From 1 to 1,5 hours per day.
c) From 1,5 – 2 hours/day.
d) More than 2 hours/day.

Question No.4:
How important is sailing for you?
a) Not important.
b) I did not try it yet. I would be fun.
c) It is very important for me. I like sailing yachts A LOT.
d) I am a keen sailor. I can not live without this!

Question No.5:
How would you describe yourself?
a) I like exploring new places, towns, and destinations and to go where the destiny takes me.
b) I like to plan in advance…but I also like fun surprises.
c) I am a bit of control freak and I need to have everything 100% under control. I do not like anything new and different.
b) I travel once a year to the same destination, hotel room and demand the same waiter to serve me all the time!

Question No.6:
Do you know how to swim and how important is this for you?
a) I LOVE THE SEA and Swimming and everything connected to this.
b) I am not a good swimmer, but still, like the sea around me – just that it is safe for me.
c) I do not know how to swim and I also do not like the sea – but I like cruises because it gives you the possibility to explore lots of places in short time.
d) I do not know how to swim. I hate the sea. I am scared of even the thought of being in the sea.

Question No.7:
How fussy are you as a client?
a) You like the things to be the way it was agreed, but in case some problems happen you are interested that stuff gets solved and you then easily move on.
b) You wish things to be 100% without mistakes…but if some problems happen you will make sure it gets solved…and that while you are on the cruise crew makes you feel a bit more special because of that.
c) You are constantly ON ACTIVE SEARCH to find some problems and report them immediately!
d) You did not yet have a 100% good holidays. Every single time somebody screws you and ruins the holidays for you and you go crazy because of it!

Question No.8:
If theoretically, you get a bread for breakfast that is not fresh, how would you react:
a) Kindly call the chef or the captain or the waiter and ask him nicely if they can bring the fresh bread.
b) You would go crazy and call one of the crew to IMMEDIATELY CHANGE THIS old bread for new one…and you would make sure this mistake would not happen again by picking their brains.
c) You would call the agency in your country (before mentioning anything to the crew) that the bread is not fresh and that they have to do something about it.
d) You would not say anything…you would just fill your list which you have at your hand already and ask some money back when you get home from holidays.
Check your results and see where did you find the most answers.
If you have most answers (A, B) then gulets are for you. You will have a great time!
If you have most answers (C, D) then gulets ARE NOT FOR YOU. Forget about it.
Very important!
If you have all replies in A – then you will be happy on every single gulet you book. All you have to do is inform us about your results and then all we have to do is concentrate mostly on the best prices and best value, and you will be super happy.
If you have also several B answers, then we have to see which replies were B and offer you gulets, programs, and arrangements according to this. Also, in this case, you will be super happy. If you like your privacy for example and you spend more than 1 hour in your bathroom at home…then we have to find you a gulet that has comfortable bathrooms and book you on a private charter gulet that has lots of deck space on a route away from crowds.
If you mostly have replied in A and B, and also some C inside – you MUST REMIND us about your Cs! If for example you like huge rooms and are keen on sailing it is both possible. But it depends on your budget. But you really have to inform us about this in advance – and you fill will have great holidays.
If you have most A, B but also some D – then probably gulets are not for you. Then I recommend you that you send us an e-mail and tell us about the test you took…and that you got some D results – and we will help you determine if this is truly such a huge problem or not.
Hope this test has helped you determine if this is for you or not.
If this is for you just click here and fill out the short form and we will get back to you with proposals very fast.
You can also create your own dream holidays. Just fill out this form and you will get 100% tailor made cruise, gulet, itinerary and suggestion according to your wishes. This is for private charter. When it comes to cabin charter also fill out the same form and we will advise you on the best possible options FOR YOU!