Goolets Review: 5 reasons why not travel with us
Goolets Agency is 100% specialized for gulet cruises only. We do not only promote gulets we LOVE THEM! We use them as a mean for our holidays also and we personally believe this is the best way to spend your holidays.
We have thousands of satisfied travelers that have chosen us as their travel agency -and were incredibly satisfied with our support.
On the other hand, we also had a couple of clients that were not happy with our services (and for a good reason may I add).
As we are always streaming to get better we analyzed all of our good feedback – and thought how we could get even better! And we also put lots of attention to negative Goolets Reviews and tried to determine what we did wrong there!
After lots of analyzing 20% of the things – situations during the cruise made for 80% of bad reviews!
So here are the 5 main reasons why NOT TO travel with Goolets agency

Reason No. 1: Gulet cruises are just not the appropriate holidays for you
Gulets are great, but they are not for everybody! If gulets are NOT FOR YOU, it is a good idea NOT to choose our agency…We can help you determine this.
People that are huge fans of heavy sailing and they expect the same performance from a gulet as from a sailing yacht – will be disappointed! People that wish to have HUGE ROOMS (who expect their cabins to be like hotel rooms) will be disappointed! People that do not like the sea and a little bit of adventure – could be disappointed!
I do not wish to go to much into details, but this type of holidays are just not for everybody!
And if you pay more for a gulet cruise than what you have paid for your “classic” 5 stars hotel holidays and this is not for you – there is a good chance you will send us a complaint!
How can we fix it?
Give us more info on your expectations or even better – your worries… If you are worried this is not for you…let us know and we will get to the bottom of it! If we realize this is NOT FOR YOU – we will be glad to let you go to something else.

Reason No. 2: S*** can happen
If problems occur during the cruise, we are there to help you solve it (if we can)! But we believe good planning can solve 99% of the things even before they happen! So if you let us “help you” before you book your cruise and before you arrive on a gulet then it will all be good! If you are holding back some info during the booking procedure and then it turns out as a big issue…you can not blame us.
Here is a good example on this topic!
The quality of your holidays depends on lots of factors (weather, the mood of the captain, quality of your chef, the flexibility of the gulet owner,….). So if something unplanned truly happens – and you do not inform us about it during the cruise – we immediately have a legit reason for a complaint!
We got complaints in the past – due to bad weather…
How can we fix this?
You have a 99% chance everything will be perfect if you plan correctly. If you book the gulet that has the right crew, itinerary and activities organized according to your group structure…you will be fine! If that 1% happens, however – it is the obligation of your Agent (in that case us) to assist you and help you solve everything. If you are on your own in these kinds of situations – then a fast solution can turn into a real nightmare!
This is also one of our agency main missions! You can check it out here!

Reason No. 3: You like to earn some money back from your holidays
This is happening more and more…It became a bit of a trend! You go on a cruise. You are super happy. Everything is perfect.
But why not get some money back after the cruise.
You wait until the end of the week, then you send on the last day of the cruise huge complaint about all the “bad stuff” that can not be solved anymore. You expect a refund of some money – or you will write a terrible review on all the travel sites and forums that exist.
How can we fix this?
We can not! We can either write a blog post like this and try to explain what and how it is going on and how we can fix it. Or we make a refund – even if we know it is nothing but blackmail.
And we can, of course, continue to do our best and gather positive feedbacks that serve as proof that we are still “the good guys”!

Reason No. 4: We made a mistake. Yes, it can happen.
Doctors make mistakes and people die from it! People go to jail because of the poor judgment of the jury. And yes, sometimes we also make a mistake and think some gulet is better than it really is! After 10 years of being in this business, it is not a very common mistake – but it can happen (in last 4 years it happened 2 times only – while more than 10.000 people cruised with us)!
Our main mission is happy repeated clients and in no way, we wish to send people to gulets that offer bad services and have poorly maintained gulets. We inspect all the gulets on a regular basis, we know the crew, we know the owners we know the gulets.
But it can happen some gulet owners promise things, which they can not follow later! Gulet can look all nice during inspections. The crew is smiling, everything looks perfect.
But then the crew leaves the gulet, the owner decides he wishes to make more money and starts saving on food and maintenance…and people do not get what they paid for!
This is our mistake….and if this happens we always do our best to solve it!
In this Goolets as your agency can do these things:
- Refund you on some of the money you paid after the end of the trip (or already during the trip);
- Put some senses to gulet owner (to scale up on the services or he might have bigger problems later);
- Change the gulet;
- Fix the problem in some other way.
We are always very very very proactive and fast when it comes to solving problems!

Reason No. 5: You have people who are not satisfied no matter what the vacation or the scenario is...
Some people are just “born unhappy”!
No matter what happens to them in their lives – they will always find the negative!
Here is one of the situations that happened to us before.
We used 1 gulet for 4 years and had more than 45 groups on the gulet! The reviews were AMAZING! Everybody loved the gulet, the crew, the food, the destination! 45 groups on this gulet! Out of this 10 repeated clients and 35 feedbacks that almost made us cry (in a good way)!
And then the group no.46 happened! Everything was wrong! The cabins were too small! The crew was terrible! The food was very bad! The itinerary was boring! The bathrooms were not clean! The air condition was not working! The local trips we organized for them were a waste of time!
Everything was terrible. The interesting thing was that this group did not want any money back! They did not complain 1 time during the trip! And they seemed okay with everything.
I am sure they were truly not happy. They truly believed these holidays were terrible for “them”… I really wanted to get to the bottom of it (they were a group of 10 people) so I emailed some more people from this group (we only got the feedback from the main organizer of this group – leader – who hated everything).
Imagine our surprise when even the wife of this person (along with everybody else) told us – EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT…That he was just that kind of person (very hard (or impossible)) to please and that he wanted to go to some different type of holidays in the first place – which made him even more annoyed by everything during the cruise.
5 reasons why you WOULD select us as your agency for your gulet cruise

Reason No. 1: We can help you determine if gulet cruises are for you or not
Our sales department knows which questions to ask to determine that. This can save you (and us) lots of frustrations.

Reason No. 2: We can help you select the right vessel according to your group structure
Party gulets are perfect for party groups! You have gulets better suited for families, some gulets are heaven for gourmets, some gulets are perfect for senior groups…
Our job is to advise you “NOT ON THE PERFECT GULET”……. but on a PERFECT GULET – FOR YOU This can truly improve your overall holiday experience and even save you some money!

Reason No. 3: We will give you great advice
This is so under-rated! Good advice will save you money, prevent lots of headaches, improve your holidays, make your partner happier and get you the cruise of your dreams! We all traveled with gulets lots of times! We know the areas! We know what is important and what is not! We know what makes people happy and what makes them miserable…
And we are always happy to share this knowledge with our customers!

Reason No. 4: We will assist you during the cruise
We do not own gulets. We do not employ the crew on the gulets and we do not maintain the gulets with our hands! But in case something is not done properly from the owner’s site or you need any help during the cruise – we will serve as your “backup” while you are on a ship.
This can make your cruise more comfortable and it can also serve as protection of your investment!

Reason No. 5: We will get you better deals on gulets where you are not able to get them
Everybody can get a discount on a gulet – that is doing bad business is not chartered well and offers crappy services! You get this kind of owner – and you can get discounts up to 40% or 50% – easily! But then you have a great combination of poor services and no backup! Nice recipe for a disaster!
Gulets that offer great services and make people happy – are more or less sold out! And they do not offer discounts – unless you make them A LOT OF BUSINESS!
We have a very decent number of this kind of gulets….and because we give them lots of business – we get better conditions – for our clients!
These are the main things we can do for you as your travel agency.
If they are sufficient – contact us with your questions – and we will be more than happy to assist you!
If not – let us know also – we will be happy to refer you to our competition.